a dubsado setup for success

After years in the Virtual Assisting industry, I’ve figured out how to “bottle up” a Virtual Assistant’s dream Dubsado setup to share it with YOU! Introducing…


it’s time to stop…

Stop fumbling to keep track on leads and forgetting to send someone a Discovery Call link.

Stop getting on your calls completely unprepared because you didn’t have time to learn about their business or their needs.

Stop feeling overwhelmed by having to onboard a new client.

Stop spending too much time creating invoices and chasing down late payments.

you don’t have time for that!

instead, it could go something like this…

➡ Discovery Calls magically appear on your calendar.

➡ Leads automatically receive a questionnaire and the completed version lands in your inbox for review.

➡ Onboarding feels effortless as new clients receive their contract, first invoice, and onboarding documentation while you’re focused on other things.

➡ Monthly invoicing is now stress-free thanks to templates and automatic email reminders.

In only one week, you’ll receive a fully optimized Dubsado that is going to streamline your business and impress (potential) clients.

so what’s included?

Optimized Settings:

You’ll receive a thorough questionnaire that walks you through your settings and provides training videos for anything that I can’t update or connect on your behalf. I’ll handle the rest!

Email Templates:

Email templates are the foundation of everything else in Dubsado and I will write every single email you need for your automations.

Packages + Payment Plans:

Everything you need to making invoicing a breeze and stop chasing down late payments!

Scheduling Templates:

All of the schedulers you need for the different types of calls you’ll have with (potential) clients. Complete with the necessary confirmation and reminder emails.

  1. Discovery Call Template

  2. Kickoff Call Template

  3. BONUS SCHEDULER TEMPLATE: General Client Call

Custom Forms:

Beautiful, branded forms that will be made up of all of the recommended information and questions you’ll need as a Virtual Assistant.

  1. Website or Introductory Call Lead Capture Form

  2. Pre-introductory Call Questionnaire

  3. Onboarding Questionnaire

  4. BONUS FORM: Feedback Request Form


Once all of the other pieces have been created, I will put it all together and automate the processes.

BONUS Step-by-Step Training Videos

Learn everything you need to operate your newly optimized Dubsado!

frequently asked questions

  • The base package (valued at over $1400) is only $899!

  • Once you click “Let’s Do This!” you’ll be stepped through the proposal and deposit ($200) process.

    Once you pay your deposit, you’ll receive a link to select your project start date.

    Next, you’ll be sent the contract to review and sign.

    You’ll then receive a thorough questionnaire so I can gather all of the information I need to customize your setup for YOUR needs. No lengthly phone calls required!

    Once your start date arrives, you’ll have a fully optimized Dubsado in just 7 days!

  • You will have the ability to add upgrades to the project for special offers such a VIP Days or Strategy Sessions.

  • This offer works great for most done-for-you service providers! If you work hourly or on retainer, this could be a great fit. If you aren’t sure, reach out on Instagram or use the button below to schedule a time to talk.

    If you’re looking for something more custom, I do offer custom setups. Simply schedule a Discovery Call and we can talk through your needs.